Archiv Kursangebot
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Berufspraxisseminar | seminar | 0KP | Prof. Dr. Angelika May | online, Uni Oldenburg | none |
Versicherungsmathematik I | lecture (4) & exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
6KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | online | active participation + written draft | ||
Statistisches Praktikum | block course in R and case studies | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel and Dr. Tino Werner | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | active participation and term paper |
Zeitreihenanalyse / Time Series Analysis | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Berufspraxisseminar | seminar | 0KP | Prof. Dr. Angelika May | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | none |
Stochastische Finanzmarktmodelle | lecture (3) & excerise (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Gero Junike | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | Oral exam |
Überwachtes Lernen | lecture (2) & exercise course (2) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Gero Junike | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | Oral exam |
Multivariate Statistik | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Berufspraxisseminar | seminar | 0KP | Prof. Dr. Angelika May | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | none |
Einführung in die Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | written exam 120 minutes |
Stochastik II | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
Statistisches Praktikum | block course in R and case studies | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | active participation and term paper |
Aktuarielle Statistik / Actuarial Statisics | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel and Dr. Tino Werner | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Berufspraxisseminar | seminar | 0KP | Prof. Dr. Angelika May | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | none |
Versicherungsmathematik I | lecture (4) & exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
Überwachtes Lernen | lecture (2) & exercise course (2) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Gero Junike | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
Stochastische Finanzmarktmodelle | lecture (2) & exercise course (2) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Gero Junike | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
Extremwertstatistik | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | see the course description in Stud.IP | Oral exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Berufspraxisseminar | seminar | 0KP | Prof. Dr. Angelika May | online, Uni Oldenburg | none |
Grundlagen der Finanz-und Versicherungsmathematik | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Angelika May | online | written exam 120 minutes |
Stochastische Analysis und zeitstetige Finanzmathematik | lecture & excerise | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Gero Junike | online | oral exam |
Informationstheorie | Seminar | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | online | active participation + written draft |
Statistisches Praktikum | block course in R and case studies | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel and Dr. Tino Werner | online | active participation and term paper |
Finanzstatistik / Financial Statisics | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | online | oral exam (online or onsite upon student's choice) |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Versicherungsmathematik II | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
Stochastische Finanzmarktmodelle | lecture & excerise | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Gero Junike | Online | Oral exam |
Stochastic-statistical dependencies | Seminar | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | online | active participation + written draft |
Robuste Statistik | lecture (3) + exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | online | oral exam (online or onsite upon student's choice) |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Versicherungsmathematik I | lecture (4) & exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Campus Wechloy, Oldenburg | oral or written exam |
Nichtparametrische Testtheorie | lecture + exercise class (hybrid teaching) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | University of Bremen | oral exam |
Multivariate Statistik | lecture (3) + exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Tu 12:00-14:00 + Th, 14:00-16:00, in online form | oral exam (online or onsite upon student's choice) |
Statistisches Praktikum | block course in R and case studies | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel and Dr. Tino Werner | Uni Oldenburg, Mo and Tu 08:00-10:00, in online form | active participation and term paper |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Versicherungsmathematik II | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | oral exam |
Point processes | Seminar (2) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | see the course description in Stud.IP | Active participation and written draft |
Linear Models (Statistics II) | Lecture (4) + Exercise Course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | see the course description in Stud.IP | Oral exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Statistisches Praktikum | block course in R and case studies | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Mo and Tu 08:00-10:00, W01-0-008 | active participation and term paper |
Zeitreihenanalyse | lecture (3) + exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof.Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Tu 12:00-14:00 + Th, 14:00-16:00, at W01 0-006 | oral exam |
Versicherungsmathematik I | lecture (4) & exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Campus Wechloy, Oldenburg | oral or written exam |
Stochastics II (Martingale and copula theory) | Lecture (4) + Exercise Course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | University of Bremen, Tuesdays 12h-14h, MZH 1090 and Thursdays 12h-14h, MZH 6340 | Oral exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Statistische Beratung | seminar (2) | 2KP | Dr. Martin Scharpenberg | University Bremen, KKSB, Seminarraum, Linzer Str. 4, Freitags 10-12 | protocols of consulting sessions |
Sequential and Adaptive Designs | lecture in english and exercise course | 4KP | Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath | University Bremen, 2V + 1Ü, KKSB Seminarraum, Linzer Str. 4 | oral exam |
Lineare Modelle | lecture (4) & exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath | University Bremen, MZH, VL Di und Do von 8-10, Übung Di von 12-14 | oral and written exam |
Versicherungsmathematik II | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Uni Oldenburg, Tue 14-16, Thu 10-12 | oral exam |
Statistical Learning | lecture (3) + exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof.Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel & M.Sc. Tino Werner | Uni Oldenburg, Mo, 10:00-12:00, Tu, 08:00-10:00 at W01 0-012 | extended exercise in R / homework project |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Generalisierte Lineare Modelle in der Statistik | lecture (4) & exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath | University Bremen, Tu + Th , 10:15-11:45 (MZH 1100); Wed 14:00-16:00 (MZH 6340) | oral exam |
Statistik 1 | lecture (4) & exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath | University Bremen, Tu (GW1 B0100) + Th (MZH 6190), 8:15-11:45; Wed 12:00-14:00 (MZH 6340) | oral and written exam |
Versicherungsmathematik I | lecture (4) & exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Campus Wechloy, Oldenburg | oral or written exam |
Statistisches Praktikum | block course in R and case studies (4) | 9KP | Prof.Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Mo and Tu 08:00-10:00, W01 0-008 | active participation and term paper |
Extremwertstatistik | lecture (3) + exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof.Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Tu + Th, 16:00-18:00, at W01 0-006 | oral or written exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Versicherungsmathematik II | 3 V + 1 Ü | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Uni Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy | Klausur oder mündliche Prüfung |
Stochastische Finanzmarktmodelle | 3 VL + 1 Ü | 6KP | Angelika May | Uni Oldenburg, Wechloy | Klausur, 90 Minuten |
Finanzstatistik | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Univ. Oldenburg, Mo, 08:30-10:05, W01 0 012 & Di, 08:30-10:00, W01 0 012 | oral or written exam (will be announced in the course) |
Statistics II (Linear Models) | lecture (4) + exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | Univ. Bremen, Di. 8h-10h, Do. 8h-10h | oral exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Statistisches Praktikum | block course in R and case studies (4) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Mo and Tu 08:00-10:00, W01 0-008 | active participation and term paper |
Frequency Domain Methods in Time Series Analysis | seminar (2) | 6KP | Dr. Rostyslav Bodnar | Univ. Bremen, Do. 12.00-14.00 (MZH 6340) | active participation + written draft |
Grundlagen der Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Univ. Oldenburg, Mi 12:00-14:00, W01 0-012, Fr 10:00-12:00, Fr 10:00-12:00, W01 0-012, W01 0-006, Campus Wechloy | oral/written exam and coursework |
Risikotheorie | lecture (4) & exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Marcus Christiansen | Univ. Oldenburg, Mi 08:00-10:00, Do 10:00-12:00, Fr 08:00-10:00, W01 0-012, Campus Wechloy | oral or written exam |
Statistische Lerntheorie | lecture (2) + exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | Univ. Bremen, MZH 6340, Di. 14h-16h, Do. 10h-12h | oral exam |
Robuste Statistik | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Univ. Oldenburg, Di, 16:00-17:30 & Do, 16:00-17:30, W01 0 006, Campus Wechloy | written exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Statistik II | lecture (3) & exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Univ. Oldenburg, Mo, 10:15-11:45, W01 0 015 & Mi, 08:30-10:00, W01 0 006 | oral exam |
Standard models in Stochastics | proseminar | 6KP | Dr. Rostyslav Bodnar | Univ. Bremen, Do. 14.00-16.00 (MZH 6340) | active participation + written draft |
Time Series Analysis | lecture (4) + exercise course (2) | 9KP | Dr. Rostyslav Bodnar | Univ. Bremen, Mo. 10.00-14.00, Do. 12.00-14.00 (MZH 6340) | oral or written exam |
Robuste Statistik | seminar (2) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | Univ. Bremen, dienstags | Active participation + written draft |
Stochastik II (Martingal- und Copulatheorie) | lecture (4) + exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | Univ. Bremen, dienstags und donnerstags | oral exam |
Angewandte Statistische Methoden in der Ökologie mit R | Type lecture (2) + exercise | Prof.Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel, Kornelius Rohmeyer | real data/programming project |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Einführung in die Statistische Software R | lecture(1)+exercise(2) [PC-Labor] | 3KP | Dr. Farhad Arzideh | Univ. Bremen, Fr 9.00 - 12.00 | active participation + worked out |
Klinische Studien I | lecture(2)+exercise course (1) | 4KP | Dr. Martin Scharpenberg | Univ. Bremen | written exam |
Risikotheorie | lecture (4) + exercise course (2) | 9KP | Dr. Daniel Dubischar, Prof. Dr. Angelika May | Univ. Oldenburg, Mo 12-14 (W4 1-162), Fr 10-12 (W1 0-012), Fr 12-14 | oral or written exam |
Operations Research | lecture (2) + practical exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | Univ. Bremen | oral exam / real data project |
Statistik III (Nichtparametrische Testtheorie) | lecture (4) + exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | Univ. Bremen | oral exam |
Selected Topics in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics | seminar (2) | 6KP | Prof.Dr. Angelika May, Prof.Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, We 08:00-10:00, W01 0-012 | seminar paper & presentation |
Statistisches Praktikum | block course in R and case studies (4) | 9KP | Prof.Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel, M.Sc. Tino Werner | Uni Oldenburg, Mo and Tu 08:00-10:00, W01 0-008 | active participation and term paper |
Extremwertstatistik | lecture (3) + exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof.Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg, Tu + Th, 16:00-18:00, at W01 0-006 | written exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |
Time Series Analysis | lecture (4) + exercise course (2) | 9KP | Dr. Rostyslav Bodnar | Uni Bremen | |
Bayesianische Statistik | seminar (2) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus, Dr. Rostyslav Bodnar | Uni Bremen | Active participation + written draft |
Statistik II (Lineare Modelle) | lecture (4) + exercise course (2) | 9KP | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus | Uni Bremen | oral exam |
Aus dem Leben eines Mathematikers | lecture (3) + exercise course (1) | Prof. Dr. Dietmar Pfeifer | Uni Oldenburg | ||
Selected Topics in Statistical Learning | seminar (2) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg | worked out |
Statistik II - Mathematische Grundlagen der angewandten Statistik | lecture (3) + exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg | written exam |
Multivariate Statistik | lecture (3) + exercise course (1) | 6KP | Prof. Dr. Peter Ruckdeschel | Uni Oldenburg | written exam |
Title | Type | KP | Person(s) in charge | Location | Exam |