The Center for Statistics in Oldenburg and Bremen (ZeSOB) organized its first

Methods Week in Statistics on the topic: “Simultaneous statistical inference and multiple testing”

from September 26th to 29th, 2016, at the University of Bremen, Building SFG, Lecture Hall 0140,

The course was targeted to practitioners and application-oriented statisticians. After an introduction to the problem of multiple testing, we presented a variety of simultaneous inference methods and multiple test procedures, together with their software implementations and their methodological background. Focus was on applications and on the appropriate choice of methods for concrete model classes and problems.

Werner Brannath, University of Bremen
Thorsten Dickhaus, University of Bremen
Frank Schaarschmidt, Leibniz University of Hannover

Program of the ZeSOB Methods Week in Statistic on “Simultaneous statistical inference and multiple testing”:

Monday, 26.09.2016
13.45h Welcome (ZeSOB team)

14.00h – 17.00h (with 30 minutes coffee break) Introduction,
p-value based multiple tests (WB)

Tuesday, 27.09.2016
9.00h – 12.30h (with 30 minutes coffee break) Model-based multiple tests (FS)

12.30h – 14.00h Lunch break

14.00h – 17.00h (with 30 minutes coffee break) High-dimensional data,
control of the false discovery rate (TD)

18.00h Dinner in “Haus am Walde”
(approx. 10 minutes walk)

Wednesday, 28.09.2016
9.00h – 12.30h (with 30 minutes coffee break) Closed test procedures with
applications (WB)

12.30h – 14.00h Lunch break

14.00h – 17.00h (with 30 minutes coffee break) Simultaneous confidence regions with
applications (FS)

Thursday, 29.09.2016
9.00h – 12.30h (with 30 minutes coffee break) Applications in the life sciences,
µTOSS software + GUI (TD)